Students have one minute to answer each question before the program automatically moves them to the next question. Students are tested on foundational reading skills, literature components, reading informational text, and language. The assessment consists of approximately thirty questions.
Reading – The program uses traditional reading comprehension passages to assess forty-six reading skills across eleven domains. This assessment includes the following subtests: Star is highly rated in regard to reliability, validity, and generalizability, especially for diverse populations. Star Assessments are computer-based and adaptive, which adjusts the difficulty of questions throughout the assessment based upon students’ responses. The Star Assessments are used to measure reading and math achievement. First graders bubble the answer directly into the booklet and students in grades 2 – 11 use a separate bubble sheet on which they record their answers.
These three subtests combined make up the CogAT Quantitative score. The CogAT Quantitative Battery is comprised of three subtests: Number Series, Number Puzzles, and Number Analogies. This section also evaluates the students’ level of abstract reasoning.
Quantitative – The CogAT Quantitative Battery assesses students’ quantitative reasoning and problem solving abilities. These three subtests combined make up the CogAT Nonverbal score. These three subtests are: Figure Matrices, Paper Folding, and Figure Classification. There is no reading required to complete the CogAT Nonverbal test. Nonverbal – The CogAT Nonverbal Battery is used to assess a student’s reasoning abilities through the use of spatial and figural content. These three subtests combined make up the CogAT Verbal score. For higher levels, these three subtests are: Sentence Completion, Verbal Classification, and Verbal Analogies. For lower levels, these subtests are: Sentence Completion, Picture Classification, and Picture Analogies. The CogAT Verbal test is comprised of three subtests. Verbal – The CogAT Verbal Battery is used to assess a student’s vocabulary, efficiency and verbal memory, ability to determine word relationships, and the ability to comprehend ideas. The CogAT is administered at one grade level above the student’s grade of enrollment. The Cognitive Abilities Test 7 measures general and specific reasoning abilities in three areas.